The wood flooring is finally in.. Well it has actually been in for a week or so.. I am loving it sooo much... I will share some pictures with you.. The boys did a fantastic job.. Thankfully one of them worked for a flooring company so he had the basic idea of how to do it. Didn't realize how much work it really was going to be.. But Here we go.. this is my front door entry.. I was going to carpet it, but decided to use the wood just to be different.. hahaha You can see that the living room carpet has already been installed.. I did the carpet and this section of wood flooring by myself.. Notice there is no wood trin on anything.. Those will all be replaced with knotty pine firring..
Now we move on to the dining room. This is my huge cold window that leads out to my deck.. you can see a chair thru the curtains.. hahaha.. Anyway.. I was able to cut and lay this section of the flooring myself. See the ugly tile beneath the padding.. YUCK.. I liked it a long time ago.. But not anymore.. lol
Again my progress amazes me.. I stopped there and realized that I was going to need more people to help me with it. This is laid in long strips and you have to have extra hands to hold it in place.. SIGH... Hit a darn sandbar in the middle of my peaceful river... But wait... Is it possible I know some nice boys to help me?
OMGosh yes.. I do.. James and David to the resuce! They came over right away and started in. Didn't take them long to figure out it was going to be a pain in the butt to do.. lol
Courtney and Macky decided to sit and plan.. See how it all turned out and tease the boys at every turn... The boys worked very hard to get the measurements just right for cutting around my pain in the arse island and counters...

Here is David snapping one of the long strips. We had to do a few rows at a time to get the measurements for the counter edge cuts..
So this is where my fridge and stove go.. I totally FREAKED OUT at this part... As we were laying it.. I discovered a huge hole behind the fridge section. I thought it was a darn mouse hole.. Nope.. To my incredible relief it was just the hole for the old fridge with the water dispenser.. hahaha.. I almost started crying.. I am not a fan of mice!
You can see what we are doing here.. Cutting around the island and cupboards. It was not hard, just time consuming.
This is the other end of the above picture.
Here it is all put together where the table sits. I just love it.. It is so much nicer and way different. Once the wood trim gets installed it will be just perfect!
Okay.. so ignore the half human child on the edge of the picture.. hahaha.. That is Macky supervising my picture taking skills.. We got the fridge and stove put back so we could actually cook.. Hadn't been able to do that in 2 days.. lol TAKE OUT!!!
And the edging was installed by Brian my savior! He graciously came over after work on night.. 11pm ish to put my strips in. This is the seperation from the dining room and the living room.. I love it!!
So.. as soon as I get the trim done I will take much better pictures of the finished project.. Not overly hard if you have extra hands.. Next up will be Katies room and the bathroom!!!