Well after several complications in life, I was able to get this project finished. I joined a death by socks knitting challenge. Basically you knit as fast as you can in order to eliminate your "victim". Once they receive the socks you have knit, they send you the ones they have been knitting for their "victim". You finish them and mail them to the new "victim". On and on til you are the last man standing for a prize. Here are my first pair and I have not received a pair yet, so that is good. LOL Bad thing is that my socks are being shipped to the UK, so it will take a bit longer.
Due to health problems, I had to drop out of a couple swaps. Just not up to them. Thankfully everyone has been super understanding. I do need to get finished on an after Christmas Santa swap. I have mine almost done, so I didn't drop out of that one. Not to mention it doesn't have to be shipped until the 31st, so I still have a week to complete it. Little by little it will get done.
On a new topic, we had to buy a new pellet stove for the office. Mine took a dump on us, so we jst went and got a new one. Not even installed yet. We will do that today. The kids are picking up my slack and going to clean the new office out for us. Once cleaned the guys will get all the desks and stuff moved so we can get it going. That will be so nice. Warm and cozy!!
This office is just to dang impersonal and COLD!! My feet are always freezing and I find myself on the couch covered with blankets more than not. Watching Charmed or CSI. One or the other.. LOL
But.. With everyone pitching in, we should make the transfer in no time.