Definately a place to get a good laugh and realize that your family isn't quite so bad.. LOL I usually have lots of great stories and things to share. Here you will find stories of my wayward children, my crafting, my business... basically my life.. LOL Grab you a cuppa and sit back and enjoy knowing that you aren't the only one with an odd existance.
Saturday, November 18, 2006

Well, here is a picture of my ROY G BIV socks. These are my first multi color socks and I love them. But.. I will have to frog this one back for the beginning of the foot just after the heel.. I didn't carry my yarn loose enough, and it is very tight around the arch of my foot. Otherwise it is wonderful.. I cannot wait to get it done so I can start the second sock.. Thankfully I did not cut the ends real short, so I may be able to salvage the bits of stripeing.

And here is the first sock of the newest pair. They are very comfy, but a bit baggy on the top of the foot.. Will have to make notes on the pattern to decrease there and add increases back in at about the 2nd dark stripe after the heel. I just started the cast on for the second sock as you can see. I am a bit further along than what you see in the picture, but it was a slow knitting day today.. LOL
***********************************************************************And would you please check out the lazy bums.. I can't believe it.. LOL
Here we have JJ the cat, Mia (My Yah), and Junior taking a well deserved break.
All nice and cozy on the couch..
Friday, November 17, 2006