So.. I now have a myspace.. I love it.. LOL We are having a good time with it. Not to mention that I can keep track of the kids that way. They have them too. Without my permission and behind my back.. Little shits!
Paul got crushed by the tailgate of a dump truck the other day. Thankfully it got his hips instead of his head.. Insurance isn't paid up.. LOL Just kidding.. He really did get hurt. His hips are funny looking. Like one is more out front than the other. Bet it shifted them. I keep telling him he needs to get a second opinion. The xrays only showed that the bones weren't broke. He is getting around a bit better, but bruised and slow going.
Brittni is now hounding to use the car all the time. I am having a hard time letting go of the "my little girl" thing.. Sheesh.. Oh yeah... She met a boy at the races and they are now "dating".. LOL He is a cutie and in a band. She is going to see them play on Wednesday. Not sure what kind of trouble they will get into.
Courtney is hitting softball hard this year. They are doing really well. That girl can smack the ball hard and far. She really has a powerful swing.. Makes a mom proud!
Macky has been sick. High to med fever with no real reason behind it. They tested for Lymes.. Waiting on the results now.
Katie.. Well.. She is just a pain in the butt 5 year old.. LOL Getting into her own little personality and taking after the smart mouth of Courtney. She has been taught well.. LOL
Me.. I have just been floating around being me..
Now, I did have some excitement here yesterday.. GROANING!!! I did not know that Paul had ordered a load of dirt for the yard and to my surprise it showed up yesterday morning right after I got out of the shower..
Here is the scene.. I am soaked and bare running thru the house chasing the dog who took my towel.. Curtains open wide letting in the superb morning sunlight. I hear a noise, stand straight up and look out the window only to see the dump truck and the guy driving standing there.. Not cool!!! I almost died of embarrasment. How horrible was that!! Let me tell you.. Have you ever seen a smile on a person that just hollered out.. I JUST SAW YOU NAKED AND WET!!!LOL Well.. That was the smile I received..
Needless to say.. I ran for the bedroom and hid until he left.. LOL
Keep smiling.. Life holds many surprises for us each day!