Here is the whole senior team that showed up..
Now after a busy day of football, and transporting kids, what better way to celebrate than to make soap right... So....
Here is my first batch of the day. Pumpkin Pie.. Oh how I love that scent.. I just dream of the scent, but can you believe that I cannot eaat a pumpkin pie to save my soul. I don't think I have ever really liked it either. But it sure does smell good..

Here it is after about 2 hours in the mold. I added a touch of cinnamon to the top just to give it some edge.. LOL Looks good doesn't it?.?.?.
Okay.. So this is a really yummy Apple Spice soap that was cold process until that darn rice-ing problem happened.. So.. I hot processed it and it still smells heavenly.. It is the 1st rice-ing in a while. Talk about piss a person off...ARG!!! I decided to put wax paper over it to smooth it sown and it stuck to it. Frack!! So I left it on until it was cooler and pulled the paper off. Not bad. It didn't turn out as smooth as I would have liked, but better t han nothing I guess..

Here is a yummy smelling double broiler hot process soap that is higly scented in Hot Apple Pie. YUM YUM YUM... It did not start out to be hot process, however, the fragrance caused it to rice, so I figured to heck with it.. Lets just cook it.. 2nd one of the day that did that. I am wondering if it is the apple fragrances or what???Did I mention I really hate hot process.. LOL
In the pot...
in the mold...

And here it is in the gel stage...