I am hoping to get all my hats hung up today. I decided to go with plastic chain and colored clothespins to clip them to. It is going to look great i hope.. Not sure yet. But.. if I don't like it I can always change it. The important thing is to get things in there and up on display.. any display..
Paul is having Kevin come and finish the front side of my counter. It looks lind of rough right now.. But Kevin is the master.. He will make it look great like he always does.. He really is handy to have around.. Not to mention he is great eye candy..
I got struck with the end of summer allergies.. This is driving me nuts. But.. what can you do.. other than stay in bed all day.. I would love to do that, but then the world would end so we can't have that.. LOL
And here is another picture of my Asif.. Isn't he just grand.. LOL I really miss him alot. I wish my London trip would come faster so I can go and see him. I am also looking forward to meeting his friend Arshad in person. They are both very wonderful people. I spend alot of late nights chatting with Asif on the cam. Better than nothing and it always makes my days better when I get to see him.. Anyway.. I am off.. gotta get some more stuff done today.. As my gramma used to say "daylight is burning in the swamp".. Have a great day to all...