I just have to share my morning with you.
6:00am- got up and woke the kids up.
6:30am- Got Katie dressed and ready for school
6:45am- Got Macky up and ready for school
7:00am- kicked the older 2 girls out of the can (couldn't hold it anymore.. LOL)
7:15am- loaded kids into van and took to school
7:45am- got into passendger seat
7:50am- hoping to survive the next 20 minutes
7:55am- breathe... just remember to breathe!!
8:00am- pulled into DMV and felt major weight off my shoulders.. LOL
8:05am- walked into DMV and handed my daughter over to an instructor
8:10am- they left me behind to worry
8:15am- I went outside for air and saw them doing the safety check on the car
8:25am- They are driving past me back into the parking lot
8:33am- a bright flash of light nails me in the face
8:40am- I have a tearing up daughter who is flashing her newly processed DL card
8:50am- Pulled into the school and on my way for a cup of coffee
9:00am- Called about everyone I know to pass on the news.
9:05am- Have a cup of coffee in my hand and ready for a shower.
9:10am- in the shower/speed wash. LOL No time for the legs, but pits are a must. LOL
9:25am- logged on and updating all you on my morning.. LOL
So there you have it. Here she is.. My newest driving family member..

Now for the car, insurance, gas money.. Can you say--- TIME TO GET A JOB!!!!!
Have a great day!!!